The title is pretty self explanatory. Honorable Mention: Gabriela McBride Objectively Gabriela really isn't that interesting, dancing has been the main interest of so many GOTYs and she is basically just a redressed Truly Me 46, but for some reason I just really like her. I used to be really into poetry so I think that aspect of her personality is really cool and her collection is honestly really cute. #5: Mia St. Clair I was never really that interested in the Girl of the Year books, but Mia's was one of the few that I read. Not only did I really enjoy her story, but her collection is amazing and I really love her meet outfit. #4: Luciana Vega Luciana was given to me as a gift for my eighth birthday, and she was my first AG doll that wasn't a hand me down from someone else. I have always had a huge interest in STEM so I loved her books and overall she is a really cool and unique doll. #3: Joss Kendrick ...