My Top 5 Favourite GOTYs

      The title is pretty self explanatory.

Honorable Mention: Gabriela McBride

     Objectively Gabriela really isn't that interesting, dancing has been the main interest of so many GOTYs and she is basically just a redressed Truly Me 46, but for some reason I just really like her. I used to be really into poetry so I think that aspect of her personality is really cool and her collection is honestly really cute.

#5: Mia St. Clair

      I was never really that interested in the Girl of the Year books, but Mia's was one of the few that I read. Not only did I really enjoy her story, but her collection is amazing and I really love her meet outfit.
#4: Luciana Vega

     Luciana was given to me as a gift for my eighth birthday, and she was my first AG doll that wasn't a hand me down from someone else. I have always had a huge interest in STEM so I loved her books and overall she is a really cool and unique doll.
#3: Joss Kendrick

     Joss was born the same year I was, looks a little bit like me, and she was also the first doll I bought with my own money so naturally she has a special place in my heart. I also always really appreciated how versatile her meet outfit was and she is also definitely a step in the right direction for representation in AG dolls.

#2: Saige Copeland

     If you saw my last post you know that Saige was my first AG doll, I specifically remember when I learned that she was going to be going away because it was the end of her year and being so sad that to this day I still have a kind of vendetta against Isabelle. I honestly don't know if there is anything in particular I really like about Saige or if it's just nostalgia but I've always thought she had nice clothes and a pretty color scheme.
#1: Lanie Holland
     Lanie is from the year I was born, and like I said earlier I've always had an interest in STEM so a Girl of the Year who wants to be a scientist is just perfect for me. Lanie also has like my exact sense of style, and I have a mild obsession with rabbits so I am in love with Lulu. When I was like nine I actually got really into bird watching because I read her books.

     I don't really know what else to say in this post so bye for now!


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