Sorry, I kinda need to rant.

     I know I haven't posted recently, I've kind of realized that I'm not that interested in posting on here so I stopped. However, something happened tonight that I kind of need to rant to someone about.

     Today was homecoming at my school, and a few hours before I was just scrolling on Youtube. Somehow I end up watching stuff on the Columbine shooting, and I start thinking "what if somebody brought a gun to homecoming." However, I end up pushing aside those worries once I actually reach the school.

     The first hour or so of the dance is great, disregarding the fact that I should of brought earplugs. Then all of a sudden people start rushing up into the bleachers, and no one seems to know what's going on. Some people say there's a fight, but most people are just as confused as I am. Suddenly a kind of popping sound is heard and everyone starts rushing out the door. My brain assumes the worst and it seems everybody else does to.

     Once I get out side I run off trying to find anyone I know. Two of my closest friends had ran off to find one of their sisters. I finally find another one of my friends but he won't talk to me because he's on the phone seemingly with the police. He was repeating "gun" and the name of the school. At this point I'm hyperventilating, and worried about my friends, but I follow everyone through the auditorium and to the football field (we were at the high school). I find most of the rest of my friends there.

     My dad works at the high school so he learned what happened pretty quickly. A fight broke out, and then a balloon popped (which was sort of what I expected happened). Regardless of what happened, as someone with a history of really bad nightmares the fact that something I thought of before hand came true is absolutely terrifying. I almost didn't call my mom because I thought I was hallucinating and would be giving her misinformation. Although the fear of guns has somewhat subsided, my brain is still spinning wondering what else could happen from me simply thinking about it happening.

     This also makes me think of what a terrible society we live in that kids just trying to have fun at their school dance are worrying about the threat of a firearm. I don't want to make this too political, but this is exactly why we need gun control.

P.S. Sorry for the bad writing, I'm just very shook up.


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