I don't know what to post this week

      I like entirely forgot that I needed to post yesterday, and I'm really sorry. I have ideas for what I'll post next week, but since I have no time to really write anything today I figured I would just list some of my ideas for content and see if y'all would be interested in any of them.

- Awhile ago I found a Girls of Many Lands book and I finally got around to reading it so I might post a review of it.

- Maybe I could do another top 5 list, like "top 5 favorite AGtubers" or something.

- I love fashion, so I could recreate outfits on my dolls from movies, tv shows, music videos, etc.

- I could write about AG and AGtube history.

- I can give my opinions on any new releases in the doll world.

     If you have any more ideas feel free to comment them below!



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